Engagement Models

We Understand and meet the diverse needs of our clients, we provide a variety of engagement options of our outsourcing services.

It is as simple as 1...2...3...
To get started with us.

Built with flexibility in mind, you may scale up or down your teams without resorting to additional hiring or training costs.
Ad-hoc Model / (Pay As You Go)
  • Pay only for the number of hours we worked in a month
  • Per hour rate on the basis of volume of work
  • Billing frequency will be monthly
  • Best for small firms with uncertain flow of work
Full Time Employee / Part Time Employee
  • Dedicated staff member on exclusive basis
  • Fixed monthly billing
  • Best for medium size to large size firm
  • Rate could vary depending upon services required
  • Our standard number of hours are 130 per month for Full Time Employee and 70 per month for Part Time Employee
Fixed Price Agreement Model
  • Block of number of hours for the period of 3 months / 6 months / 1 year
  • Total number of hours can be utilised until the period ends
  • Billing frequency will be monthly
  • Number of hours will be counted on the base of work completed in a month
Get started with us
Step 1- Fill out the Contact Form
Fill out the form and our team will be in touch with you with all the details required.
If you have any specific requirements, mention them in the Message box.

Step 2- Let's Discuss- We are ready for you
Detailed Discussion with the Brand Manager through Online Meeting or Voice Call as preferred by you.
In the meeting, the Process Head and the Brand Manager will address all your Questions.

Step 3- Customization of Engagement Model for you
We will discuss all the engagement models for our firm with us and recommend the best Engagement Model based on your requirement.

Step 4- Get the Customised quote right into your Inbox within Few Hours.
Get a Customised outsourcing Quotation as per your discussion right into your inbox within the next few Hours

Step 1- Fill out the Contact Form
Step 2- Let's Discuss- We are ready for you
Step 3- Customization of Engagement Model for you
  • We will discuss all the engagement models for our firm with us and recommend the best Engagement Model based on your requirement.

Step 4- Get the Customised quote right into your Inbox within Few Hours.
  • Get a Customised outsourcing Quotation as per your discussion right into your inbox within the next few Hours


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